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Problems At School?


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Bullying is: 

  • Unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.
  • The behavior is repeated over time and intended to cause distress.
  • Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, harming someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

*** There are many other types of aggressive behavior that don’t fit the definition of bullying. This does not mean that they are any less serious or require less attention than bullying. Rather, these behaviors require different prevention and response strategies.

Cyberbullying is

  • Bullying that takes place using electronic technology.
  • Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.

Harassment is: 

  • Under federal civil rights laws, harassment is unwelcome conduct based on a protected class (race, national origin, color, sex, age, disability, religion) that is severe, pervasive, or persistent and creates a hostile environment.
  • Although bullying and harassment sometimes overlap, not all bullying is harassment and not all harassment is bullying.

If your situation does NOT meet one of the definitions above, please do one of the following:

Peer Conflict -It is not bullying when two kids with no perceived power imbalance fight, have an argument, or disagree. Conflict resolution or peer mediation may be appropriate for these situations.

If you would like to request a meeting with a counselor please CLICK HERE.

BULLY BUTTON: If your situations DOES meet the definition of bullying or harassment, click HERE!