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Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phones, Smart Watches & Other Personal Electronics
District policy states: In academic settings (classroom, library, labs, etc), such devices
must be in the “off” or “silent” position and stored out of sight except as permitted by
the instructor or the building administrator. Please review the following Personal
Electronic Device Procedure:

Our goal is for students to be responsible digital citizens with their personal electronic
devices (PEDs). This means understanding and working within the parameters of the
school's expectations regarding the use and allowance of electronic devices while on
school property or at a school-sponsored activity.

We ask all students to adhere to the following school expectations.

  •  All teachers and staff have the authority to collect electronic devices from any student immediately upon request.
  • Electronic devices may be used during morning entry before storing the device and exiting the building after the last period. No cell phones during lunch. Cell Phones should not be visible during school hours.
  • Students not feeling well should report to the nurse’s office and call parents if needed, not from a personal electronic device.
  • Parents/guardians needing to communicate with a student should contact the main office.
  • Students can only use wired earbuds/headphones with their chromebooks. Wired earbuds/headphones can be purchased in the main office for $1.
  • Students with a 504 plan/health care plan are permitted access to their cell phones following their plan.
  • Smart watches are allowed at this point - if necessary, we may prohibit them.

Rocky Top Middle School is not responsible for lost, stolen, or destroyed personal electronic devices on district property or at a school-sponsored activity away from campus. School administration, teachers, or staff will not investigate incidents.

1st Offense: The Phone (or wireless earbuds) is confiscated, brought to the office, and
returned to the student at the end of the day. Office staff will document this in PLP. The
administration may contact the parent/guardian to advise them of any policy violation.
2nd Offense: The Phone (or wireless earbuds) is confiscated and brought to the office.
The admin contacts the parent or guardian to pick up the device at the end of the day.
The admin will document this in PLP.
3rd Offense: The Phone (or wireless earbuds) is confiscated and brought to the office.
The admin contacts the parent/guardian to pick up the device at the end of the day.
Parents/guardians are advised that the student must either leave the phone (regardless

of whether the offense is for the phone or earbuds) at home or check the phone in/out of
the office each day. The admin will document this in PLP.
4th Offense: The phone (wireless earbuds) is confiscated and brought to the office.
Admin contacts parent/guardian to pick up the device at the end of the day.
Parent/guardian is advised that the student must check the phone (regardless of
whether the offense is for phone or earbuds) in/out of the office each day. Students will
be called to the office at the start of the day if the phone still needs to be turned in.
Parent/guardian is advised that any further offense with a phone or earbuds will be
considered defiance and will be officially written up with additional consequences.
Admin will document in PLP.
5th Offense: Student receives an official write-up and consequences for defiance.