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Middle school students participate in career expo

  • Collaborate
  • Focus on Students
Middle school students participate in career expo

All Adams 12 Five Star 8th graders participated in the Adams County Career Expo on September 17 and 18 at Riverdale Regional Park. To prepare for the event, school counselors helped students explore their interests and careers and learn about handshakes, dress, and communication skills to talk to business and industry partners. Students showed up excited and nervous to meet new people, experience hands-on activities and learn about exciting career pathways. FutureForward @ Bollman and Washington Square students also attended to staff some booths and teach 8th graders about career pathways they are engaged. Empowering students to be future-ready and architects of their lives!

Special thanks to the Middle Schools and FutureForward community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: Outside-the-Classroom Learning. Sharing stories about how the district offers students multiple learning opportunities outside the traditional classroom providing various pathways to success.

  • Middle School