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By application, due on 9/8

Yearbook Club provides students with the opportunity to express their creativity and capture memories of the 2024-2025 school year at Rocky Top. Members will express themselves through photography and page design, working together to create our school yearbook Membership is available to a maximum of 35 students, spanning across all grade levels. Membership selection is completed through an application which is available at the club fair or can be provided through email. Applications are only available in the fall. There is no cost to join and students that are not accepted, will be added to the waitlist. Students need to bring their Chromebooks. Editors occasionally have an additional meeting. Students are asked to attend as many meetings as possible, not missing more than 1 a month.

Meeting Day: Friday (weekly)
Meeting time: 7:45AM - 8:30AM
Sponsor: Ms. Wells
Location: A-215