Movie Club
Are you a movie buff or just want to relax and have a good time broadening your horizons? We will be exploring the nostalgia of the 70s, 80s, 90s, & early 2000s (maybe some newer ones) through movies. Genres include fantasy, science fiction, comedy and adventure with some being a mixture of all. Sit back, relax and get lost in the worlds created for your entertainment!
Please send and email to Mr. H if interested so I can include you on the correspondence when club will be held. There is no need to be there every time, however, if you only come 1 day of the 2 you will miss half of the movie. We meet Bi-weekly Wednesday and Thursday from 4-5.
Meeting Day: Wednesday and Thursday (Bi-Weekly)
Meeting time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Sponsor: Mr. Homeijer
Location: D-135