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Genius Hour

Genius Hour. For GT Students. Think critically, grow creatively, connect meaningfully. Mondays 7:45AM - 8:30AM Library. Ms. Donehoo, Ms. McNiff, Ms. Nylin

You must be a Gifted and Talented student or Gifted and Talented Talent Pool student to attend. 

Genius Hour is open to all students who are identified "GT" or "GT Talent Pool." In this club, we provide a weekly opportunity for gifted students to connect across grade levels and to flex their thinking through STEM challenges, board games, and other extension activities.  Please feel free to reach out to any sponsor with questions! 

Meeting Day: Monday
Meeting time:  7:45AM - 8:30AM
Sponsor: Ms. Donehoo, Ms. McNiff, Ms. Nylin
Location: B100/Makerspace Classroom in the library