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Gifted & Talented

Our Vision and Mission -  Advanced Academic & Gifted Services (AAGS)
Process for Gifted and Talented (GT) Recommendation -  Identification & Assessment 
GT Program Framework -  Programming
Advanced Learning Plans (ALP) Timeline and Criteria -  Advanced Learning Plan

Gifted and Talented Google Document

GT Advocate: Emily Donehoo & Kristi Nylin-Reed


Universal Screening: In Adams 12 Five Star Schools, 2nd and 6th graders who are not already identified GT participate in the Universal Screening process for potential gifted and talented identification. Find more detailed information regarding Universal Screening in the Five Star District.  

Universal Screening process at our school:

  • 6th Grade Screener - Tuesday, February 4th, 2025

6th, 7th and 8th Grade Testing: 

Parent/Staff/Student GT Recommendation: All students can participate in the GT identification process by submitting a complete body of evidence. Find more detailed information regarding the GT recommendation process in the Five Star District. 

If you are interested in having your child be considered for the GT identification process you need to contact your GT Advocate for school specific information.

Important dates for the GT Recommendation process at our school: more information on this coming soon.